Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Eagle Has Landed

Actually, two eagles! Yes, the pair which mate for life is back and sitting high atop a nearby tree guarding the nest or aerie. It was a glorious sight and despite the cold, pouring rain I had to jump out of the car to gawk at them for a least a few minutes. This picture shows the Greensboro pair last year on a beautiful day, however, this is exactly how they looked yesterday! They are very territorial and will guard up to two square miles surrounding their nest. They dive, swoop and soar nearby. I hope to catch a glimpse of some of that guarding. It is spectacular. I drive through this territory on my way to work and on my way home so I keep a close eye. Last year, one of the pair swooped over my car with a huge fish between its talons! I can only hope to experience that again. Either way, I will be mesmerized by the pair for the next 6 - 8 weeks and anxiously awaiting the Birding Club to set up the scopes for everyone to view the eyrie, the brood in the nest!
Happy Birding, everyone,

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