Thursday, January 13, 2011

Duck, Duck, Goose

The big meltdown is on but not before the black ice got me just as I stepped out of my car on Wednesday. Seriously, it's appearance was that of water not ice! Neither my slip nor the blustery wind stopped pup and I from heading out for our evening walk though. What would the ducks and geese do for food? I feed the mallards and Canada geese on our pond for several reasons. One - they are hungry and can't reach whatever grows at the bottom of the pond. Two - it is amusing because of the ice and social interactions. Establishing dominance among the flock is a funny thing. There is much splashing, nipping, feathers flying and squawking! Put it on your list of things to do -- find time to observe the interactions of the players on the pond and no doubt you'll understand where the term 'pecking order' originated. While you might debate who 'rules the roost' in your home, you can be sure that the politics on the pond are just as complex.

The backyard was busy again this morning due to the overnight low of 18 degrees! It was an Arctic tundra. The blue jays were the early risers and make quite a ruckus until their fav appears -- peanuts! I managed to capture one weighing and measuring! Only the largest will do! Either way, all the peanuts eventually disappear. Several more goldfinch arrived yesterday wearing their dingy olive winter green. I miss their summer glow! Still no eagle sightings but I am watching! Happy birding, everyone!

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